The other day, I played with the washi paper I brought back from Kyoto. I started by making a few little books. I bought these sheets of paper at Suzuki Shofudo, a nice shop on Yanagi no-banba (close to Shijo and Karasuma dori).
Another lovely paper shop in the same neighbourhood is Kyukyodo, on Teramachi. Among other things, they sell beautiful stationary items and calligraphy supplies.
The indigo fabric pieces in the picture above are cotton shawls I found at the Chion-ji Temple craft market. They are from Wataya workshop in Himeji. The little white things on top are lace ribbons. They were cute and cheap and I just couldn't resist buying them.
Despite some family constraints, I finally managed to spend a few hours in the studio this week. But before starting on a new project, I have to clean up this mess...
Il y a quelque temps déjà, j'ai promis à une copine (Coucou Béa!) de recommencer à poster aussi en français. Alors voilà... En dépit de certaines contraintes familiales, j'ai réussi cette semaine à passer quelques heures dans mon atelier... Mais avant de me lancer dans un nouveau projet, il faut que je mette un peu d'ordre...
I first tried to use up the smaller leftovers and decided to make a few bookmarks.
J'ai d'abord essayé d'éliminer les plus petits restes en faisant quelques marque-pages.
I made three of them actually. Now I still have enough scraps to make a small fabric book page based on my "Summer in Japan" quilt. That will be for the weekend. This morning, I also made a few small books using the Japanese paper I bought in Kyoto. More about this in another post.
J'en ai fait trois. Maintenant, il me reste encore assez de tissu pour coudre une petite page textile basée sur mon quilt "Summer in Japan" pour mon livre en tissu. Ce sera pour ce week-end. Ce matin, j'ai aussi confectionné trois petits livres avec le papier japonais que j'ai acheté à Kyoto. Plus de détails dans un prochain post.
But first, I am really happy to be able to show you the cover of the future Twelve by Twelve book!
Mais avant cela, je suis très heureuse de pouvoir vous montrer la couverture du livre des Twelve by Twelve!
"Twelve by Twelve: The International Art Quilt Challenge" will be published by Lark Books in March 2011.
"Twelve by Twelve: The International Art Quilt Challenge" sera publié par Lark Books en mars prochain.