It's been a while

It has been a while since I posted to my blog.  Time just seems to fly past.  I have been busy with classes.  They finished a week or two ago and I won't be teaching anymore.  I have decided to spend more time on my own projects.  I am still going to keep in touch with my Monday students but I won't be back until late September.

Apart from that I have started on the Latte quilt again, it's been a while.   I have also made a start on a painted quilt spurned on after purchasing Linda Poole's new book.  

We have been busy up at the allotment and made it ready for this year's planting.  

All the beds are looking good.   Yesterday I planted 3 varieties of onions as they had started to sprout, they are covered with mesh so if it does got cold and we have frost they should be OK.  

I took the chitted potatoes to plant but the ground is a little too wet at the moment maybe later in the week if it stays dry.