Quilt top Finished

This is how the design wall is looking today. I haven't made any further progress with "Circumnavigation" life just keeps getting in the way. However, Mike Perham stopped in South Africa for a week or two to have some work carried out on his boat so I still have time to get the quilt finished before he completes his challenge.

I did however spend a little while in the studio this afternoon and managed to get this quilt top finished. It took a bit of time piecing it together but it's done now. I shall leave it on the design wall for a little while until I decide what to do about the border design. I have an idea already but shall have a little think before I rush in. It's always good to have a little thinking time.

As I look at this quilt I see things which I could have done better and so I may well make another one like this but a little different. It has certainly got my creative juices flowing which is not a bad thing.

Sewing is difficult at the moment as I almost sliced the top of my thumb off when I was cutting bread for the birds. It's still a little tender and I have to be careful not to catch it on anything otherwise I hit the roof :))

Thank you for dropping by.